maandag 4 januari 2010

SARTG and AGCW New Years Contest

Friday the 1st was alread the start of the new contest year.
First was the SARTG that started at 8:00 UTC and one hour later started the AGCW.
The SARTG New Years contest was in RTTY mode.A mode i like very much for contesting.
The contest was only 3 hours long and also in this time i walked with my Husky's,so i wasn't active all three hours.
This contest we had to exchange RST-Number-Name and in our own language "Happy Newyear".In my language this is "Gelukkig Nieuwjaar".
It was nice to see this in all other languages,at least from the stations i worked.
Total qso's was for me 76 into 25 DXCC's.

After the SARTG contest i was active for one hour in the AGCW New Years contest.
This one did start at 9:00 UTC and was also only for three hours.
This contest was in CW mode,for me CW is using MixW and computer.
I made 27 QSO's,also some with AGCW Clubmembers.Worked 11 DXCC's.
Nicest one would be LX/DL5SE as LX is always hard to work from my QTH.
Worked Daniel on 40M

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