dinsdag 27 oktober 2009

CQ WW Contest

The past weekend was the CQ WW Contest in SSB.
The days before the 10M band was very much open,so hoping that also during the contest this was going to happen...

And we where lucky...10 Meters was very much open now as well.
My goal was to get more points and QSO's then in 2008.That year i had just a little under 50.000 points.I wasn't very long active that year,so this year i planned to be longer active.
Saterday the propagation on 10M was better then sundays,but still stations could be worked.
Also 20M was wide open.Mostly my s-meter was above S9....
Some nice calls worked:
On 20M:
On 40M:

My results:
Total QSO's: 516
Total points: 201.238

10 Meters open!!

The 10 meter band was wide open in the past 5 days.
Maybe it had to do with the new sunspots or sporadic E openings...
But we are very happy with this.
Worked on 23 Okt the following stations:


We where hoping that also during the big CQ WW Contest the prop was like this....

Contesting October

Total QSO's: 77
Total Points: Unknown
Remarks: Nice contest,just not much in the contest.

The MAKROTHEN Contest (RTTY) 10-11 Okt.
Total QSO's: 270
Total points: 1.134.422
Remarks: Nice contest in wich the distances between the stations are the point.Worked alot of NA..ment alot of KM/points that way.But also JA,E21,DV1.

JARTS WW RTTY 17-18 Okt.
Total QSO's: 404
Total points: 100425
Remarks: Propagation was good.Also 40M was good for me,worked few JA's and also YB,VK.YB and VK where new DXCC's for me on 40M.Got after the contest the eQSL already from VK3TDX.

Contesting September

My contest results in September.

Total QSO's: 200
Total points: 127420
Remarks: Nice propagation again.Worked 38 DXCC's.DXX's like JA,A71,TF,SU,OZ,HI,FM etc.

ALL ASIAN DX (SSB) 5-6 Sept.
Total QSO's: 54
Total points: 2090
Remarks: Nice to work so many Asian OM's.Not very easy for me with 25 watts.Worked UA0,JA,VU,UN,5B,4X,7Z,EX,EK,TA.

IARU Fieldday Reg I (SSB) 5-6 Sept.
Total QSO's: 50
Total points: 4848
Remarks: Nice to see/hear so many fieldstations on air.

WAE DX (SSB) 12-13 Sept.
Total QSO's: 108
Total points: 12744
Remarks: Worked some nice DXCC's like C4,A71,4L0,4X,SU,7Z,PY,PZ,PJ4,JA,3V8,9V,A61,V5,YB,HK,TA,OA6,NP4,HI.Beside these alot of NA stations as well.

CQ WW DX Contest (RTTY) 26-27 Sept.
Total QSO's: 528
Total points: 293944
Remarks: I did really good in this contest.Propagation also good.Worked alot of nice DXCC's again.Also the PKW MHF1e40 40m dipole workes great.


I didn't update my blog for some time now,so now a update about my contest adventures from August...

SARTG WW RTTY 15-16 Aug.
Total QSO's: 206
Total points: 187370
Remarks: Some nice propagation...worked KH6,DV1 and some JA's as nice far DX.

RDA Contest (SSB-CW) 15-16 Aug.
Total QSO's: 109
Total points: 101370
Remarks: Very nice to work the Russian Provinces.Prop was good in that area.

EPC RUSSIA DX (PSK63) 22-23 Aug.
Total QSO's: 163
Total points: 162792
Remarks: Nice to work EPC members.

YO-DX Contest (SSB-CW) 29-30 Aug.
Total QSO's: 101
Total points: 18048
Remarks: Nice contest to work the YO Area's

Total QSO's: 260
Total points: 40918
Remarks: Propagation was ok,worked alot of NA and also ZS,PY,JA,LT,V5.

This where my contest results.Worked in all contest some nice DXCC's.Also very nice to see some friends again during the contest.Till next time...we meet again.