vrijdag 25 februari 2011

PACC 2011

The Dutch PACC Contest is already 2 weeks over now.
This time i wasn't contesting from my own home,but was in a Holidayhouse we are taking care of.
This house is more in the open field,as my own place is surrounded with alot of houses..so also alot of QRN/QRM as well on my radio.My 3elm Tribander at my home is just 5 1/2 meters above the ground...so you can imagine that it will get alot of signals that i don't want to hear.

Friday morning at 11:00 local time,hte guests that where in the house for a week holiday,went out.
That was for me the time to go there with my gear and setup all the antenna's i wanted to use.
My antenne's where:
HF6V vertical
GPA30 vertical
3elm Tribander (Swan...32 years old :) )
2x 10 meters Dipole as Inverted V
FD3 wire dipole

This was what i wanted to put there and use....but.....
The most i did use the HF6V vertical from Butternut.I made myself radials from 2mm steelwire.
made 10 of them,then my spool of 100 meter wire was gone,hi.But also had still some copper wires who i first used at home for trying the antenna out.So also this ones where connected.
The best thing with the HF6V is that you don't have to switch antenna's when you want to use another band.This was for me also the first time i really did try the antenna and i can say...i am very pleased to have it and able to use it !!

My 3elm Swan Tribander also worked ok....but.....we couldn't get it higher then 4 meters above the ground.I used an old Militair tower what you have to pull up with your hands and then it should click when the whole section is out.Because the 3elm was too heavy,we only managed to get one section out.Also i didn't want the small tower to get broken....
Another problem was,that when you are not at home....and you don't see the sun shining...to find the North.I thought i knew it...but sunday after the PACC contest i found out it was totally wrong.Good to have from now one a compas in my radio gear,hi.
I was around 90 degrees wrong.....found it out after i saw the TV Dish at the neightbours house.That looks almost to the South...little East of it, 19,2 degrees to the ASTRA Satellite.
I did work some nice stations during the PACC on it....but after i changed it,it worked much better.Because after the PACC i went into the CQ WW WPX RTTY contest a
Worked some nice DX with it in RTTY...

Here you can see my radio and computer setup for the PACC and CQ WW WPC Contest.
I used just one radio,but had the other standby for when my first gave problems.

Here you see two photo's of my antenna's.One of them you see the foot of the HF6V with the radials attached.On the other you see on the forground the Swan Tribander and left from it the GPA30.At the right the HF6V and more right in the back of the garden the 2x 10 meters inverted V.

More photo's can be found at: http://www.pd7bz.nl/PACC2011
More info about my PACC Score via SH5 : http://www.pd7bz.nl/PACC

My QSO's results where like in 2010...but this year i got more Multies.
We have to wait till June to see the results.

Contests in 2011

I did join in a few Contest already again this year.
From now on i will try to write some every week again.

SARTG RTTY New-Year Contest : 50 QSO's logged.

AGCW Happy New-Year Contest (CW) : 14 QSO's logged.

ARRL RTTY Round Up : 236 QSO's logged.

HA DX Contest (CW and SSB) : 93 QSO's logged.

UK DX RTTY : 154 QSO's logged.

UBA DX SSB : 124 QSO's logged.

EPC WW DX PSK (PSK63) : 219 QSO's logged.

Black Sea Cup Inter. (CW and SSB) : 44 QSO's logged.

Mexican International RTTY : 100 QSO's logged.

CQ WW WPX RTTY : 338 QSO's logged.

Dutch PACC Contest (CW and SSB) : 329 QSO's logged.

Russian PSK Contest : 103 QSO's logged.

ARRL International Contest (CW) : 110 QSO's logged.

About the Dutch PACC...more in my next message....

First message 2011...

Sorry for the late start of my Blog this year..
2010 didn't ended very well for me.
On the 10th of December i had to put one of my Husky's to sleep.Something that took alot of pain for me to do.He had that day from 18:00 local time many epeliptic attacks...
The time the Animal Doctor came,around 22:50,i think he had around 40 attacks...small ones and also very heavy ones.
You could say that he had one big one,because he never came out..
I know that he didn't feel anything from this all,but for me it was HELL!!
The Doctor said me that the best thing to do is to put him in sleep....We did this at 23:30...he went asleep in my arms....

In his mememberance i designed a special QSL card...
Hope he's now somewhere without pain and is playing with his old friends...