A 48 hour during Contest only in phone.The CQ Contests are always very busy...also again this
one.The propagation was before the contest sometimes very good...
I started at 5:15 UTC.I didn't start earlier because we as Novice have only a little space at the 40M band to operate on and the 10 and 20M bands are closed during the night.
The 20M band was already open when i started.Did work 14 stations within the 20 minutes.After that i went to the 40M band,worked the stations i could and back to the 20M.
Around 6:55 i did hear a AH6 station very low....pointed my beam towards the Nordpole and there she was...AH6NF.After calling a few minutes i could write her in my log.
Putting the beam back to the East i could hear VK4WIP very clear.One call and also he's logged.
Few minutes later i could also log VK4KW.At my side,the strongest from the VK's,as i could hear him the whole weekend and also in the evening.
Sometimes i also went over the 10M band,to look if the band showed some openings...at 8:22 i could log the first.That was OT5A from belgium followed by OR0A.Few minutes later i could log HZ1FS who really was 5/9 at that moment.He was for that time the last one i did hear on the 10M band....Back to the 20M again.

Around 12:30 i listened again at the 10M band and now it was wide open.Many stations calling from SA and AF.Couldn't work them all,but still 33 stations logged.Strange was that i could work s someone over 11.000Km...when a station at 8.000Km couldn't hear me.
Sunday morning i managed to work also VK6NC on 10M.Also i got A61ZX in my log on 10 and 20M.He was very strong both times.

Here's an eQSL card from one of the SA stations i could work.LU5FF,Javi.

Also Dov was active in the contest.Managed to work him after calling several minutes.If Dov is on....everyone wants to work 4Z4DX....he told us that he will be in Nepal within 3 weeks.

My Goal is always to try to beat my own score of the year before.
Last year i logged 432 Qso's with 325 Multies....total of 296.075 Points.
For me,as just a small station with 3 bands and 25 Watts limited...not easy.
But...you never find out if you don't try,hi.
Sunday at 22:38 i logged QSO number 450...
Total Multies are.. 357...
Total of 320.229 Points....
Goal succeed :)
For my results is SH5 analyser:http://www.pd7bz.nl/2011%20CQ-WPX-SSB%20PD7BZ/
My last QSO's where on the 40M band.After that i put the TRX back on the 20M band and was very surprised that it was still wide open to NA.Some signals were still 5/9....
Hope this means that the propagation will stay and we will/can enjoy the DX again the whole day...
Hoi Bernard, kan AH6NF niet terug vinden in je overzicht?? Ik heb Uganda wel gehoord, maar was hier te zwak om te werken. Naar 9Q6CC heb ik echt wel een half uur zitten roepen voordat het lukte. Als ik het zo bekijk heb jij 10 uur aan de radio gezeten bij elkaar en ik 6 uur. Niet gek, en ook hele goede condities. Werkte voor het eerst met Hawaii, had ik hier nog nooit eerder gehoord. Het viel me ook op dat de signalen erg sterk waren, Hawaii was hier 5/7 op 15m. HK1X bijvoorbeeld 5/9+. Overigens heb ik mijn score van vorig jaar of het jaar ervoor niet verbeterd, was ook niet mijn plan. Ik ging voor de DX. Jou resultaat mag er overigens wel wezen. En dat voor 3 banden en 25W (minimaal ;-) ) 73, Bas