The BARTG HF RTTY started at 02:00 UTC Saturday morning and is a 48 hours contest.
The Russian DX started at 12:00 UTC Saturday and is a 24 hours contest.
First i started in the BARTG RTTY.Looked around 4:00 UTC at 40M...but only got around 15 qso's logged in one hour time.Just went to sleep for 2 hours and did have a look again.I was suprised that the 20M band was open already so i started there.As a Novice HAM we are just allowed to use three bands on HF.The 10 , 20 and 40M band.During the contest i look so now and then on the other bands for Multies.Also on we never know if it's opens up again.
I'm happy with the DX i could work and also was happy to work all the 6 continents,as that means extra points as well.Nice one was also when i saw 3A2MW coming back after my CQ call.
Got 314 QSO's and 152604 points.
Results by SH5 analyzer:
See here some eQSL's i got right after the Contest

Saturday at 12:30 UTC i joined in the Russian DX Contest as well.I did SSB and CW.It's good to have both,because this way i worked more different Oblasts.I worked some in CW that i didn't hear in SSB at all.Worked total of 259 QSO's in mixed mode.Totally of 180744 points.
This is much more then i had in very happy.
Results by SH5 analyzer:
So the weekend was very well for me.Total of the contest brought me to 573 QSO's in two days time.Worked all continents in RTTY and some very nice DXCC's as well.Very nice to see also alot of the same OM's joining in every week.Also very strange propagation...working ON,G,OZ and DL on 20M....and they where really strong signals.
Hallo Bernard, mooie resultaten. Sterke signalen op 20m ook al is het binnen europa is altijd gunstig voor het aantal QSO's. Helaas zelf geen tijd gehad voor radio i.v.m. mooie weer andere bezigheden gehad. 73, Bas