In the RTTY contest the rules are different then in the SSB and CW.In the RTTY contest,everybody is allowed to work everyone...not only EU to outside EU.
The propagation wasn't very good the days before.Also the 20m band is closing early in the evening.For me this is a bad thing,because as a Novice HAM,i have only the 10 , 20 and 40m band.
I started at 6:00 UTC on the 40m band.In the first 40 minutes i got 25 QSO's and also 3 stations from NA logged.Propagation seemed to be ok...but not very good on 40M.
After that i went to the 20m band that opened just before.Worked on 20m till 11:40 UTC.We had to go away for some hours.In this periode on 20m,i got 2 Japanese stations.I could work them,but it went very difficult.Also i worked a Brasilian station via long path.
At 16:00 i did continue with the contest again,but the 20m seemed to get closing already.Staions from NA where not as strong as they where normal.Stopped the first day at 23:30,as there where no new stations for me to work on 40M.Also,propagation wasn't very well.Stations from outside EU where weak or not even readeble.I also had a 1 1/2 hour break....not much on 40M that time,so i could watch the soccer match from Italia against Netherlands.Last station worked was a nice one,that was Ted TI3TEJ.
Sunday i did start again around 9:00 UTC.The 20m was wide open into EU.Worked on 20m till 17:00 UTC.Then the 20m was most closed at my side.On 40m it was mostly EU that time.Worked till 19:00 UTC on 40m,then i had a break again,because no new stations for me to work.I did continue later at 22:30 UTC.I worked 2 stations from NA after that,mostly EU stations.I did stop at 0:40 UTC...with 351 QSO's logged.
Nice stations worked:

I work in all contest also alot of stations from NA.But still i need one state,the state of Nevada.
If i get that confirmed at LoTW,i will have all 50 states in mixed mode.But it seems that they aren't much on the radio,or that i just don't seem to have propagation to them.
The last weeks i see and hear more and more stations from the West part of the US,but still no luck.On 40m the propagation to NA wasn't very good this weekend.I only got a few stations logged from NA.

Hoi Bernard, weer een mooi aantal DX gemaakt zie ik. XE heb ik nog nooit gehoord in geen enkele mode. Toch zitten ze regelmatig er op volgens div. DX clusters. Heb zelf maar even meegedaan aan de RTTY contest om de loop antenne te testen, maar het ging niet echt vlot. Te veel stations te dicht bij of over elkaar heen. Kon vaak gewoon niks decoderen. Gebrek aan ervaring misschien? Uiteindelijk 39 QSO gemaakt. Wou eigenlijk nog verder testen op 40 en 80m, maar uiteindelijk voornamelijk 20m gewerkt. Tijd is altijd een probleem. Zondag nog wel een leuke PA-beker meegedaan, heb jou gemist, zaten behoorlijk wat PD stations op 40m met goede signalen zelfs boven de 7100 ;-). 73 Bas
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoi Bas.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJaja tijdens een PA beker boven de 7.100 gaan zitten...daar is over nagedacht he,hi.
Ik vind de PA beker niet zo'n leuke contest.Vooral natuurlijk omdat wij als Novice alleen maar een klein stukje van de 40M kunnen gebruiken.En aangezien er meer aktiviteit is dan alleen Nederlanders in de PA contest.....
Ben alleen met de WAE bezig geweest.Niet de hele tijd.Ik wil ieder jaar mijzelf overtreffen....en aangezien ik in 2008 niet heb meegedaan,was dat gauw gedaan,hi.
Ik had in gedachte 300-400 QSO's te halen...nou dat was ook gelukt.
Komend weekend weer wat contesten te gaan.
LZ dx meende ik in SSB en CW.Zondag de PSK63 contest.
Ook zondag de Friese 11 Steden toch op 80m en op 2M?