In the past weekend,21-22 November,i was active in 2 contests.First the LZ DX and sundays the EPC PSK63.
It started at 12:00 UTC on saterday till 12:00 UTC on sunday.
I started at 14:20 UTC.Before that time i was visiting the European Championship Cart race for dogs.As we have three Husky's at home as well...we ofcourse wanted to have a look there as well.
I was active in the contest in Mixed mode,so CW and SSB.CW i do with MixW.
Started in SSB...but didn't hear much,so went to CW.There where more stations active.Also propagation to LZ was also very good.Could work many from them.It was also nice to see VQ9JC in the contest and giving away CQ zone 41.
In the evening i had to stop because i had problems with my 40m PKW dipole.Due the strong winds,it gave me bad SWR....
Today,24th of Nov.,we did fix the problem.A screw was damaged.
Sunday morning i started again in the contest at 8:30 UTC.
At 12:00 UTC i got 174 QSO's with 49 Multies.
N1MM came to 35.574 points.
EPC PSK63...
After the LZ DX i started in the EPC PSK63 contest.Can't do it all at the same time :)
PSK63 is a very fast mode and sometimes not easy to decode.I also use MixW for this contest and did use the software RA3BB Victor made for this.
Nice to see so many PSKers active on the freq. and so many EPC members active as well.
Some years ago i did join the EPC Group,i got EPC number 3647.
In the contest i saw high numbers like 9229.
Worked total of 183 stations in 33 DXCC's.Most where stations from EU.
Total points came to 50193.
7N3CNW/JD1 – Minamitorishima
13 uur geleden
Hoi Bernard, je wordt al een echte contester. Weer een mooi aantal punten voor de afdelingscontest. Je staat nog steeds in de top 10 en daar wil je ook in blijven natuurlijk. Heb vorig jaar geloof ik wel meegedaan aan de EPC contest. Maar vond de Friese elfsteden dit keer wel genoeg. Misschien dat ik van het weekend nog wat probeer in CW. 73, Bas