I also was active during this contest with MixW as my CW decoder.
I started at 0:00 UTC saterday and worked on 40M untill 4:00 UTC.
In this time i got 97 QSO's logged.After this i went to bed for a few hours.
At 9:00 UTC i was present at the radio again,starting on 40M.At 10:23 i did switch to 20M and made multies from zones 14,15,16,17,18 and 20.
Around 11:00 UTC i did check the 10M and i did hear some low signals.Little later o could work zones 15,33,35 and 38.As new DXCC on 10M i worked A25NW.
The 10M wasn't open for more at my end,so i jumped into the 20M again.Did work VK6AA for zone 29.Worked my first station from NA around 11:45 UTC...after this more followed.
After 18:00 the 20M went death,so again to 40M.Last QSO made was as 0:33 UTC.....Bedtime.
Sundays i started again at 9:00 UTC on 40M.After a while i found out that 10M was also some activity and went there.Made 6 QSO's,all new multies.
After this again to the 20M and later checking 40M as well.Because we can have differend propagation on 40M in daytime,i got some more new multies again working ON,LX,TF,OZ and G stations.Back to 20M after this till 18:00 UTC again...while the band went death again.
Was active till 0:00 UTC...till the end of the contest.
I wasn't active all the time...had some breaks to do something else.Also have three Husky dogs that wanted to enjoy a walk outside as well,hi.At some time,mostly between 19:00-22:00 Utc,i went for a break as well.Had also some extra QRM on the 40M this periode and as was too early to get NA stations for me on 40M.So i was QRX for that time and started again around 22:00 UTC.
Worked some very nice DXCC's again in the contest and also some New ones on the bands.
Got new B7P China on 40M.Also HC8GR as new one on 40M.
Other nice calls worked:

My goal was again to get more point/QSO's as in the year before.
Total QSO's now are 554,but got some dupes as well.
Total points are 165.958
Last year i got around 90.000 points,so my goal was made more then that.

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