It started at 0:00 UTC on friday night and ended at 0:00 sunday night,so it's a 48 hours contest.
Only SSB mode is allowed during this contest and no WARC bands.
Last year i also joined this contest and got 2nd for the Netherlands in the Low Power Single Operator All Band class.For me,only 25 watts is allowed.
Got last year a total score of 102.820.....the points that came out after cross checking the logs.
My goal was to beat that score...but would the propagation permit this.
The days before the contest,the propagation wasn't very stable as well.Sometimes nice openings,but followed by low signals as well short after.

I started saterday morning,logged my first station on 20M at 07:42 UTC.Last logged on saterday was at 23:11 on 40M.The 40M band was open,but very strong stations with alot of QRM as well.For me as Novice,only the freq. 7050-7100 is allowed.
Sunday morning i started again at 08:03 UTC on 20M and last logged was at 22:03 UTC.
In the Netherlands we did change into the Summertime again,so the difference between local and UTC is now 2 hours again.So i did stop at 0:03 local time.
I did made on saterday 168 and on sunday 121 QSO' came to 289 QSO's.

Most on 20 and 40M band.I was lucky to have 2 stations in the Netherlands that where calling on 10M.The 10M was besides them,very quiet.Saw some spots from other EU Country's,but here i couldn't hear a thing.Shame,as the 10M is a very nice band for DXing....but also difficult.
Came together to 137.475 points.Till now i got my this is the raw score.Have to wait till the cross checking of the logs is done,how much i keep.
Wouldn't be the first time they got my callsign as PT7BZ....not much difference in callsign...but alot in Temperature for sure :)

It was a very nice contest and i did enjoy it alot.
Got all Continents worked again as well.
Got one new DXCC worked as well,so always happy then ofcourse.
See the pictures for other results.
Some exotic callsigns in my log:
Hi Bernard, propagation was ok last weekend. You made nice DX here and there. Nice to work you on 10m although it was very difficult. Hope 10m opens next year in this contest. Would be great. Very curious what place you get this year as I heard a lot PD stations in the contest...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTill we meet again 73+55