In the past weekend i was again active in 2 contest.The EU DX PSK Contest and the King of Spain.
The PSK contest is nice to do,not only for the contest,but also to get some stations from new area's as well.The propagation was ok for Europe and also got some NA and SA stations logged.
But it's strange that i can work DX better then short distance.
Many stations till 1500km did ask me several times for my callsign and the nummer.
But stations on larger distances mostly went in one time ok.
Maybe it was too much QRM from active stations here in EU at the other sides?
Got 150 QSO's logged in the contest.
The King of Spain was in CW.Also some more contests where on that time in CW,so wasn't that easy for me,as computer CWer.
Came to 55 QSO's logged in the contest.
I was hoping for the 10M to open up during the contest,but nothing at that time at my side.
As we,Novice HAM in the Netherlands,have just the 10 and 20M for using CW.In big CW contest,sometimes CW is done in the section of the 40M where we can operate.
After the contest the 10M did open up.I did word several EU DXCC's in SSB,PSK,RTTY and CW.
Around 17:30 i did hear a PU station in was PU2WDX,Celso.When he finished his QSO,i did call him and got respons.My First SA station worked on 10M this year WOW!!
Celso was here 5/7 and got a 5/5 with QSB back from him.Many thanks dear Celso for the first SA on 10 this year.
About 30 mins later i saw that PY2CX was spotted on 28430.After he finished his QSO i also called him and got my second QSO into SA on 10M.PY2CX,Maur,was here 5/7 and also got 5/7 back from him.
Nice to see/hear that 10M opens up more and more.Hope that everyone keeps an eye on that band,because it's a very nice band for DX.Not easy....but nice :)
7N3CNW/JD1 – Minamitorishima
11 uur geleden
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