first time i joined this contest.I'm not able to operate CW with a key and understand all,i
make use of my computer and MixW for this.A combination what can work very
good as well,only not the weak signals.

Last year i got a certificate from CQ,i was as Rookie low power, #1 from Netherlands, #5 from Europe and #6 from the World.Total points 187.110.
As i have just a simple setup,i am proud to get results like this.
Just working with 25 watts,3elm Tribander at 6 meters above the ground and windom FD3 for 40M.Also only 3 bands allowed here and not even the whole bands.
40M we,as Novice HAM,can only operate between 7050 and 7100.So the CW section isn't for us.But with big contests,many will also go above 7050...good for me :)
The goal this year was,to get more QSO's/points then last year.
I was very happy to see that also the 10M was open.This got an extra band for me as we have only 10,20 and 40M on HF.Both days the 10M was open.Saterday even to NA and SA.Worked 2 stations in NA and 1 in SA.Also whole Europe was open on 10M.
Propagation on 20M wasn't that good in my eyes.Got some nice QSO's,but didn't see as much NA as i did last year.
Got also a new DXCC in CW,TU2CI.
My results:
I made 501 QSO's and came total to 299.280 points.