This contest is in RTTY mode and started at 18:00 UTC on saturday.The contest is over 36hours,till sunday evening 23:59 UTC.
I also started at 18:00 UTC and looked on 20M first.The band looked almost dead.Only was able to work 3 stations before i went to 40M.
Also the 40M didn't look very well.It wasn'r easy to make qso's,not even with European stations.Sometimes they completely disapeared,while before they where real S9+ on my s-meter.Alot of QSB as well on the signals.Later in the evening the propagation got better.
After one hour i just got 23 QSO's,but also worked anice one,E21YDP

The second hour propagation went some better and got 30 qso's that hour.I was also calling on a frequency, there 14 stations that came back to me.Also YB1ALL called me,very happy with this qso from Gus.This was a qso over 11368
After this mostly Europeans.First station logged from NA was after 21:00 UTC as also propagation started to get better.Last station worked before bedtime was at 2:20 UTC....3:20 local time,hi.
In this periode i worked alot of NA stations as well as Europeans.Also got two new DXCC's on RTTY,DP1POL Felix and AL9A Gary.
AL9A also means a new DXCC on 40M.Both did already confirm via LoTW.Gary also via eQSL as you see above.
Sunday morning i started again at 7:00 UTC.At this time the 20M was open already so i did start on 20M.First logged was 3V8SS,always very strong.propagation on 20M was also good.
Worked alot of EU stations,but also UN,JA,ZL.Also ZX2B was very strong via Long Path.
9M2CNC,Richard was also strong and with a very big pile up all the time.I was lucky to work him.

At 11:41 UTC i got my first NA station on 20M,AC4M Jonathan.Saw him on my screen and worked him beaming over the Northpole.Little later i worked PZ5RA,Ramon.I was lucky to work Ramon on 20 and 40M.He's also alot active in the RTTY Contest.
Some minutes later again a Big New DXCC on RTTY mode,KH2L Edward.He also did already confirm the QSO on loTW.
Around 19:00 i took a break till 23:00.
After this i did go again on 40M for the last hours.Propagation was not as good as the day before.
It was very difficult to work NA and also to find new stations.Band wasn't as croudy as the evening before.Ofcourse this has to do with,that it's sunday and the day after most people go to work again.Just got 23 stations in my log till 23:59 UTC.
I always want to try to get more QSO's and points as a year before.And i did it..
Last year 200 QSO's logged......This year i got 430 QSO's logged !!
You see 428 QSO's...i have 2 stations worked dupe.
MixW gives me 41.088 points.

Strange is,that doesn't matter how many stations from the USA i work,i still am missing Nevada state.If i would get Nevada confirmed on LoTW,i would have my WAS.
I really don't know why i don't hear a station from that State.Maybe it's a rare state to be acive on the bands,or that from my QTH it's almost impossible to get a QSO with.
In 2010 i will be looking and searching for them on the bands....
Some nice calls worked:
E21YDP (20+40M),YB1ALL (40M),JM1XCW (40M),DP1POL (40M),AL9A (40M),9M2CNC (20M),P49X (20+40M),P49YL (20M),PZ5RA (20+40M),ZL1BYZ (20M),JA1HGY (20M),ZX2B (20M),NP4BM (20M),HI3TEJ (20M)
Nice to see that more and more are using LoTW and/or eQSL.This way you get very fast the confirmations in.
Hallo Bernard, al flink aktief zie ik. Paar mooie DXCC zeg, helemaal op 40m. Ik heb alleen aan de ARRL RTTY RU meegedaan een paar uurtjes, voornamelijk vanuit de huiskamer via remote. Op 40m 1x USA gewerkt vrij laat in de ochtend en P49X. Op 20m wel een hele rits USA waaronder een nieuwe staat MO voor mij. Zondag avond voornamelijk run gemaakt op 80m, dat ging wel aardig met die 84m loop. Verder nog geen inspiratie voor mijn blog gehad dit jaar. Zijn wat kleine probleempjes hier o.a. met de auto waar veel tijd in is gaan zitten. Voorlopig maar even rustig aan denk ik. Succes alvast met het contesten/DXCC jagen voor het komende jaar. 73, Bas