On saterday the 1th of August,i was active during 2 contests.
First there was the TARA Grid Dip contest,in RTTY and PSK...from 0:00 till 23:59 UTC.
In this contest we had to exchance our name and part of our locator.I had to send "bernard jo32"
Didn't see too much stations active during this contest....was that the propagation or just lack an interest??
Still some nice DX was worked and got 52 QSO's logged.
At 12:00 UTC the European HF Championship started as well.This contest you could work in SSB,CW or mixed mode.I was active in both SSB and CW,so mixed mode.
In this contest we had to exchange the last two digits of the year we got our first licence,For me this was 2006...so i had to give away 06.We where only allowed to get QSO's with EU stations for this contest.Came to 200 QSO's in this contest,good for 17200 point,said it in N1MM.
As we as Novice HAM's in the Netherlands are bound with bands we are allowed to TRX on,it's good that 10M is open so now and then as well.We have on HF just 3 bands to be on,also during the contest.These are 10 , 20 and the 40 Meter band.
7N3CNW/JD1 – Minamitorishima
11 uur geleden
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