Yesterday evening Bas,PE4BAS,did ask me if we could test his PDL2 Quad on 10meters.
I turned my 3elm Tribander in to his direction,around 10 degrees,and i did hear him with 4/3 in the start.Later he came up with the signal to 5/7 by some upliving of the propagations.
It's very difficult to see any changes with this kind of propagation.
The s/r on both sides seemed to be the same as it was in the past.
We also did try our voicekeyers out,if they where still working ok without problems.
Bas did make a short recording of my testing,i have put it on YouTube:
Today Bas wants to put up his Vertical Antenna with his automatic Matcher.
The weather is good for it,hope it will all work out good.
7N3CNW/JD1 – Minamitorishima
13 uur geleden
Hi Bernard, really nice to test with you on 10m. As expected a lot of QSB like always. I do have some more movies of the test. But since you already did this topic I don't think it's usefull to write about it. I put up the vertical and it works fine. Tuner does a good job. 73 de PE4BAS Bas