Some weeks ago we had also one day with openings,but the day after it was gone.
Most of the propagation we have on 10M is to Africa or South America.
But in the past 2 weeks the openings changed...

On the 23th of March i managed to work my first station from NA on CW on thje 10M band.
It was N4BP..he was the only one i could hear from NA as well.
During the CQ WW WPX contest i did manage to work also ZS,PY,LU,D4,CE in SSB.
Thoose are the usual DXCC's we get with the 10M openings.
But during the contest i could also work OD,JY and VK6.
At the 29th of March i saw that NH7O (Hawaii) was working EU via Long Path on 10M.
I did put my beam towards 170 degrees and i could hear him very well.
After calling him several times and repeating my callsign,the QSO was made!!!!
My first QSO on ther 10M band with Hawaii was done.What a good propagation...

The same day and the days after i also could get in the log:
BD1EFO (CW) , S21YZ (SSB) , VU2DK (SSB) , VP5/W1CW (CW) , YI9NS (CW) ,
5M2TT (SSB+CW) , 9N&AN (SSB) , ZL1BYZ (CW) , KH2/N2NL (CW) ,
EL2GB (SSB) , P4/W1HEO (CW) , SU1SK (CW) .
Today i got another big new one worked on the 10M...XV1X Vietnam on CW.
I was very happy that Eddy,the op of XV1X,took the time to get me and my callsign correct.
Two days ago i worked also Nand,VU2NKS,with only 5 Watts output on RTTY on the 10M.
For me this good propagation gives me alot of new DXCC's on the band.
Also in the different i try to work as many DXCC's in as many modes possible for me.

One week ago i also had WSPR running on the 10M band.
I was seen also in NA with only 2 watts.Also i was seen in VQ9...
Propagation is very good and i hope it stays like this and even will get better.
I like the 10M band very's a band that sometimes you hear nothing....
Few minutes later it's wide open.....